Righteous Records '14 - #31
This Is Cave Music | Moon Hooch
‘Tis the latest renaissance of the saxophone ladies and gents. From the bestial blasts of M83 to the titter tat of whatever Bon Iver is doing, the time has come: the sax’s reprieve. These two devils, working with a click track and a sword to sharpen are the living automatons of this promise. Now go funk yourselves and be easy on the songs containing lyrics.
While I’m on here—-how do I tell Vicky Cheng to stop sending me invitations to play Candy Crush Saga? I know I’m supposed to find this form of virtual gameplay culturally relevant, it’s just the daily, incessant invitations have now turned me off to both Candy Crush Saga and tangientially, Vicky Cheng, the human being.
Bob Boilen is going to hate me for that
What am I supposed to do with this record? I loved the song ‘Bari 3’ but the rest feels gimmicky. B3 shows potential advancement, brio and chops—-in totality though, they seem more suited for a live setting. They opened for They Might Be Giants last year…sorta says it all.
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